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Arizona Strip

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////Grand Wash Bench Trail - 10 miles each way

The name of this rugged 36,300 - acre wilderness in northwest Arizona refers to the two sets of steep cliffs separated by a bench. The lower cliffs rise 1,600' (488m) above the Mojave desert floor and are dissected by several deep, narrow canyons. When viewed from the west, the upper cliffs from a dramatic backdrop to the wilderness area by abruptly climbing another 1,800' (549m). As its name implies, the Grand Wash Bench Trail travels along the bench between the two sets of cliffs from the north boundary to the south end.

The trail can be reached from either the South or North end of the wilderness area. The north trailhead is most easily reached but a high clearance vehicle is recommended. For directions to the trailhead, please visit the Information Center or contact a BLM recreation planner at the Arizona Strip Field Office.

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